Food Trends 2023: The Future of Food and Eating

Over the past ten years, food trends have become the basic tool for many actors in the food industry: in executive offices as well as in departments of product development and innovation, in international corporations, SMEs and start-ups, in the gastronomy … Continued

Researchers teach human brain cells in a dish to play “pong”

Scientists have successfully taught a collection of human brain cells in a petri dish how to play the video game “Pong” — kind of. Researchers at the biotechnology startup Cortical Labs have created “mini-brains” consisting of 800,000 to one million living … Continued

Can artificial intelligence really help us talk to the animals?

 A California-based organisation wants to harness the power of machine learning to decode communication across the entire animal kingdom. But the project has its doubters A dolphin handler makes the signal for “together” with her hands, followed by “create”. The … Continued